A Senate committee has urged the Federal Government to work toward protecting the country's koala population, including reducing speed limits.
But it has stopped short of suggesting the marsupial be added to the threatened species list, saying it is not qualified to pass judgment.
The Senate's environment committee on Thursday, following a 10-month investigation, delivered 19 recommendations to halt what it says is a nationwide decline in koala numbers.
They include getting the government to boost funding for research and koala monitoring, implementing an independent review and acting on the potential threats of wild dogs and koala-unfriendly roads.
The committee said there was no question koala numbers were falling but the issue was much more complex than that fact alone.
For instance, in some areas in Queensland the koala population is in sharp decline but in other parts of Australia their numbers have to be managed because of over-population.
Koalas faced a range of threats, from dogs, cars and diseases to issues affecting their habitats, such as climate change.
Read More: http://bigpondnews.com/articles/Environment/2011/09/23/Reduce_speed_limits_to_save_koalas_664922.html
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