
Thursday, 17 November 2011

Could space lasers deliver clean energy breakthrough?

It may sound like the stuff of science fiction, but according to a major new report giant orbiting solar power stations are feasible
14 Nov 2011
Orbiting solar power stations could meet much of the world's energy requirements within 30 years, according to a major new study to be released later today.
The report from the International Academy of Astronautics, an advanced copy of which was obtained by news agency Reuters, is expected to conclude that it is technically feasible for large satellites to transmit usable energy to earth using either lasers or microwave transmitters.
Solar power stations have been mooted as a clean energy source for several decades, with interest mounting in recent years as governments seek a reliable clean energy source. 
Most notably, the Japanese government is working on plans for a space solar power project that is scheduled to be operational by 2030, while a number of private firms are also developing technology to support the concept.
However, the 248-page peer-reviewed report represents the most significant assessment of the viability of the concept yet undertaken.
According to Reuters, the paper provides little precise detail on how the technology could be deployed, nor on the estimated cost of new solar power stations, each of which would be several kilometres across.
However, it does state that space solar power could play a "tremendously important role" in meeting 21st century energy demand, while researchers working on the project told the news agency that costs were likely to be lower than first thought as solar space stations could take advantage of cheaper disposable launch vessels.
The report recommended that governments and the private sector team up to fund further research into the technology, arguing that the risks associated with such new technology are too great for private firms to fund prototype projects on their own.
The US National Space Society is scheduled to hold a news conference in Washington later today to promote the new report.

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