Simon Mann in Honolulu
November 15, 2011A pledge to cut tariffs on green goods to 5 per cent by 2015 and to make economies less energy-intensive led a range of initiatives agreed to by leaders of the 21-member Asia-Pacific Economic Co-operation forum in Hawaii. They also committed to a ''seamless regional economy'' by agreeing to align regulatory systems and simplify travel rules.
Citing the ''time of uncertainty'' for the global economy caused by Europe's debt crisis, the leaders said they were determined to resist pressures for greater protection, committing instead to wider co-operation.
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''We recognise that further trade liberalisation is essential to achieving a sustainable global recovery in the aftermath of the global recession of 2008-09,'' they said in their communique.The Prime Minister, Julia Gillard, said the commitment to lowering tariffs on green goods would open up markets to Australian-made goods such as wind-turbine parts, energy-efficient fuel cells and water-saving shower heads.
She praised APEC's agreement to collaborate on reducing energy intensity by 45 per cent by 2035, despite the non-binding nature of the target and a ''get out'' clause for developing nations, including China.
Ms Gillard said APEC, having led the world with its free-trade agenda, was now poised to set ''an example to the world on green energy and green growth''.
The forum committed to phasing out fossil fuel subsidies, while incorporating low-emissions development strategies into APEC economies' growth plans.
Despite general satisfaction with the broader themes, the signature achievement of the two-day Honolulu meeting - the 23rd annual get-together of leaders - was a commitment by a sub-group of nine APEC nations, including Australia and the US, to form a free-trade zone ''as rapidly as possible''.
Notwithstanding obstacles, Japan, Canada and Mexico yesterday all confirmed their interest in joining the so-called Trans Pacific Partnership, which its architects hope will expand ultimately to incorporate all Pacific Rim nations, which already account for 56 per cent of the world's economic output.
The leaders' upbeat mood, however, could not conceal simmering tensions between the US and China.
The US President, Barack Obama, told reporters: ''When it comes to their economic practices, there are a range of things that [China has] done that disadvantage not just the United States but a whole host of their trading partners and countries in the region.''
China's refusal to allow its currency to appreciate and to safeguard intellectual property rights remained pressing issues.
The APEC leaders added their voice to those of the G20 in urging Europe to resolve its fiscal crisis, after the International Monetary Fund chief, Christine Lagarde, addressed the group.
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